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Forest Chatter BOS Australia Newsletters

BOS Australia Newsletters   Remember to sign up on the home page to receive your quarterly copy of our newsletter. You can find copies of our previous newsletters here. June 2017 February 2017    

Shift biofuels subsidies into REDD

28 August 2008
Developed country governments should re-direct biofuel subsidies toward preventing deforestation for a far better climate outcome, a UK think-tank claims. Policy Edge has produced analysis suggesting that doing so would produce far greater savings in greenhouse gas emissions for every dollar spent on climate change mitigation.

A successful release

4 August 2008
At BOS, our ultimate goal is the release of healthy orangutans back into the wild - so it’s always gratifying to be able to give our supporters good news about just such an event - the first translocation programme of 2008.

Research confirms orangutan population decline

4 July 2008
Endangered wild orangutan (Pongo spp.) populations are declining more sharply in Sumatra and Borneo than previously estimated, according to new findings published this month by Great Ape Trust of Iowa scientist Dr. Serge Wich and other orangutan conservation experts in Oryx – The International Journal of Conservation.

Three baby orangutans find sanctuary at Nyaru Menteng

22 June 2008
Nyaru Menteng - Borneo Orangutan Survival's rescue and rehabilitation centre in Indonesian Borneo - has recently welcomed the arrival of three young orangutans from West Kalimantan. All three (aged between 2-3 years) were confiscated from private households - victims of the illegal pet trade.

Information for Teachers

Information for teachers   Would you like to raise your students’ awareness of endangered species and the environment and give them a chance to see how they can make a difference? If action is not taken... View Article

Information for Students

Information for Students   Please send the following information to us at Your teacher’s name and email address Name of school Address of school (including State and postcode) and information about joining Orang-U-Friends will be... View Article