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The Burning Season DVD

This award winning documentary is now available on DVD.

Every year, deliberately lit fires rage across Indonesia.  They destroy pristine rainforest, endanger orang-utans and contribute to climate change.  A young carbon trading entrepreneur goes in search of a solution.

Why we are failing orangutans

10 March 2010
It is no secret that orangutans are threatened with extinction because their rain forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Ten years ago, Shawn Thompson, a writer, former journalist and university professor, set out to chronicle the threat to orangutans in a book released in March 2010.

Recognising our Orangutan Champions

Recognising our Orangutan Champions BOS Australia wishes to thank all their supporters who through their actions are helping in our fight to save the orangutans. A special thanks to the following people and organisations: Our most... View Article


Deforestation Links   The Prince’s Rainforest Project The PRP has released an online interactive booklet that describes how rainforests are in the front line in the fight against climate change and explains a new form of international... View Article