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Our Achievements

Our achievements 2015-16 Principal activities Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Australia Incorporated (“BOS Australia”) contributes to the conservation and protection of orangutans and their habitat by fundraising and increasing awareness. It does so by funding, supporting, and... View Article

BOS Secretary

Currently, BOSA seeks a highly motivated, organised, and energetic individual to perform the role of Secretary on its management Committee.

Voluntary position - approx. 5hrs per week.

0 TO 65 IN 65 DAYS


0 TO 65 IN 65 DAYS!!

What does that mean? 

Find out – it’s a REALLY important step for the orangutans and the biggest challenge we’ve taken on so far.

Donate now




This week the funds raised in our 0 to 65 promotion crossed the goal line of $65,000 ($65,185 to be precise)!    


Thank you so much again to everyone who has made this possible.  It has been a real team effort and shows what great supporters the orangutans have at BOS Australia! 

BOS Fundraising Team, August 2010

Save the orangutans, save the world

19 May, 2010

The Prime Minister has been accused of reversing his position on several things: asylum seekers, the emissions trading scheme, schools, pink batts. But there is one promise he really should consider keeping – and it actually belongs to the bloke who had the job before him.