Recent News

Teaching orangutans to be wild

18 December 2010
Michelle Desilets, Executive Director of the Orangutan Land Trust, spoke with Laurel Neme on her "The WildLife" radio show and podcast about the process of rehabilitating orphaned orangutans and teaching them to be wild. This is the second in a two-part interview.

Quarantine enclosures: Last stop on the road to release

The building of the quarantine enclosures to facilitate the release of orangutans from Nyaru Menteng is a crucial requirement in the orangutan release program, as once the final selection is made of the first 24 individuals to be released, it will be necessary to immediately isolate them from the other orangutans in the program.

With negotiations underway on the land agreement, construction of the enclosures will mark a final and vital preparation stage and determine the timetable for release. BOS Australia has committed to funding a block of ten enclosures at a cost of $150,000.

Please help us return the orangutans to the forest and support this project. To donate click here.

The fine print on forest protection

19 November 2010
As scientists who study tropical forest ecosystems, we would like to commend the Indonesian government for its commitment to tackling deforestation and Norway for the support it is providing to help Indonesia achieve this.