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Nyaru Menteng Waste Project Update

With the rainy season coming to an end, it allows us to start work on the Nyaru Menteng sewerage tanks and wetlands.

Dr. Keith Bolton of Ecoteam – an expert in this field and a leader of waste eco systems in Australia, is kindly donating his time and skills on this project along with a couple of Keith’s expert engineers and Lismore plumber, Nik Hyde.

These images show the initial settling/ treatment tank and the wetland.

A sanctuary of sun bears

2 August 2011
Around five o'clock in the afternoon in the Samboja Lestari project area in East Kalimantan usually means happy time for the sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) living in the area's sanctuary - it is feeding time.

Sustainable palm oil group suspends IOI

6 April 2011
The main sustainable palm oil industry group Wednesday suspended an ongoing certification process for major plantation firm IOI Corp. Bhd. (1961.KU) following land dispute complaints and charges of deforestation by non-governmental organizations, a move that market participants said could threaten the company’s supply contracts with major consumer firms.