BOS International

News – BOS International

Olbert gets a second chance at freedom
(14 June 2017)

Elisa and Wardah enjoy their freedom in the wild
(05 June 2017)

BOS Foundation rescues Albino Orangutan
(02 May 2017)

Six More Orangutans Get Their Freedom
(27 April 2017)

Indonesian Government and BOS Foundation to repatriate Baby Orangutan from Kuwait
(17 April 2017)

Four Friends Embark on First Day of Forest School
(12 April 2017

BOS Foundation Deploys More Orangutans to Salat Pre-Release Island
(11 April 2017)

Palm Oil plantations displace more than orangutans
(6 April 2017)

Rescue Mission a Success
(22 March 2017)

BOS Foundation Condemns Orangutan Killing in Kapuas
(16 February 2017)

Pre-Release Salat Nusa Islands Finally in Use
(10 November 2016)

Foundation Establishes an Orangutan Conservation Area on Salat Island
(3 November 2016)

Latest news from Napri and Yutris
(4 August 2016)

Bumi: Another motherless newborn
(21 June 2016)

World Environment Day marked with the release of 5 orangutans
(27 May 2016)

Choki arrives at Samboja Lestari
(3 March 2016)

Enrichment Workshops in Borneo
(10 February 2016)

Baby Kejora
(4 February 2016)

BOSF inaugurates special care unit, releases 4 orangutans
(1 December 2015)

Fires threaten Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre
(5 October 2015)

Firefighting equipment required in Borneo
(29th September 2015)

BOS Foundation 6th orangutan release candidate profiles
(1 September 2015)

Nyaru Menteng 11th orangutan release profiles
(24th August 2015)

Observing Yayang and her two children
(24 August 2015)

Jamartin Sihite – 2015 GRASP Ian Redmond Conservation Award
(14 August 2015)

BOS Foundation transforms part of Salat Island
(23 May 2015)

Challenges of orangutan release
(26 March 2015)

Journey to freedom
(5 March 2015)

Saving Meryl
(13 February 2015)

Lesly, the Forest School Drama Queen
(5 February 2015)

Waang Laas is back in his forest home
(29 January 2015)

Message from BOS Foundation
(December 2014)

Doren returns home
(17 October 2014)

Update on our reintroduction programs – Challenges in the field
(October 2014)

10 Outstanding organisations working to save endangered orangutans
(16 September 2014)

The story of little Tundai
(5 August 2014)

Lone Droscher Nielsen knighted
(30 June 2014)

9th Nyaru Menteng Release
(20 April 2014)

More Samboja Orangutan releases
(21 March 2013)

Orangutans and forests
(6 December 2013)

Mother of the apes
(28 September 2013)

Meet the release candidates
(16 August 2013)

Another 20 orangutans rediscover freedom
22 February 2013)

New life for Christmas in Batikap Forest
(21 December 2012)

Obama – the latest arrival at Nyaru Menteng
(21 November 2012)

Lone Droscher-Nielsen goes back to where it all began
(12 October 2012)

BOS Foundation assists BKSDA on Gundul’ case
(19 October 2012)

Rehabilitation centre rescues three pet orangutans in Kalimantan
(19 October 2012)

Interview with Ahmat Suyoko
(Sept 2012)

Nyaru Menteng releases 8 orangutans
(8 August 2012)

Bridgestone adopts 2 orangutans
(17 July 2012)

The tough men of the BOS Foundation
(17 July 2012)

Clever Sue
(17 July 2012)

8 More to be Released at the End of July!
(18 Jun 2012)

Berlian and Hamzah are finally home

(6th May 2012)

Into the wild: rescued orangutans returned to the rainforests
(27 April 2012)

Welcome Home Casey, Lesan and Mail
(Samboja Lestari Release 24th April 2012)

Mama Tata and Tata amongst those to be released
(Nyaru Menteng rescue and release project 29th March 2012)

They are free……
(Message from President of BOS Australia, 29 February 2012)

No place like home
(Nyaru Menteng rescue and release project 28 February 2012)

Indonesia releases orangutans into the wild
(Jakarta, 28 February 2012)

The first releases…
(Nyaru Menteng rescue and release project, February 2012)

Orangutan rescue and release 17-27 Jan 2012
(Jakarta, 2 February 2012)

Update on Himba
(29 January 2012)

Orangutan rehab slow but thorough
(25 January 2012)

Tuberculosis strikes orangutans in sanctuary
(24 November 2011)

Himba – the latest arrival at Nyaru Menteng
(11th October 2011)

A sanctuary of sun bears
(2 August 2011)

Agroforestry project restores wildlife habitat
(7 July 2011)

BOS Board of Trustees’ Chairman to discuss orangutan release program with presidential advisers
(14 February 2011)

Forest ecosystem restoration concession licence opens door for orangutan releases
(18 Janaury 2011)

Quarantine Enclosures- Last stop on the road to release

(28 Nov 2010)

BOS Foundation international donor conference
(8  November 2010)

A happy ending for orangutans Bulu, Jo and Abdul
(19 October 2010)

Orangutans in captivity in dire need of jungle home
(25 September 2010)

Orangutans running out of jungle
(9 September 2010)

Orangutans in rehabilitation to get new homes in Kalimantan
(25 August 2010)

BOS to release first rehabilitated orangutans in 9 years
(23 August 2010)

Borneo experiment shows how saving the apes could save ourselves
(19 May 2010)

Red alert: conservationists name 25 primates most at risk
(18 February 2010)

Forest concession may give Indonesia’s orangutans shelter
(20 November 2009)

Rescued orangutans face new test of survival
(13 November 2009)

An orangutan called “Aox”
(28 October 2009)

BOS Foundation returns 46 orangutans to the wild
(6 September 2009)

Help stop Borneo burning
(31 August 2009)

Wild at heart
(24 July 2009)

Lone Droscher-Nielsen – Destruction of rainforests amounts to orangutan genocide
(1 May 2009)

Experts feud over how to save apes
(26 April 2009)

New orangutan population found in Indonesia
(12 April 2009)

BOS Founder Willie Smits tells the Samboja Lestari story
(6 March 2009)

Orangutan doctor – Dr David Irons
(24 February 2009)

Regrowing Borneo’s rainforest – tree by tree
(2 January 2009)

A sad goodbye
(14 December 2008)

An update on Kerry
(28 October, 2008)

Orangutan saviour supplies clean water
(18 October, 2008)

The fight to save Asia’s apes
(6 October, 2008)

No way to treat an orangutan
(6 September, 2008)

A vacation with a purpose
(7 August, 2008)

A successful release
(4 August, 2008)

Another baby finds sanctuary at Nyaru Menteng
(17 July, 2008)

Research confirms orangutan population decline
(4 July, 2008)


How Can You Help

There are lots of ways you can support orangutans and help ensure the survival of this precious ape.

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Please help the Orangutans in their struggle for survival. Your donation is important and goes directly to BOS Indonesia. By donating, you are helping bring this noble yet endangered species back from the brink of extinction and on a path to freedom - from rescue to rehabilitation and release.

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