Big baby steps

Do you remember our rescued baby orangutans Aiko, Ramangai and Onyer? We have wonderful news: All three completed their quarantine period and are now in the Nursery Group. Here the youngsters learn how to climb trees as their first life skill. Let’s take a look at their progress.

Aiko came to Nyaru Menteng when she was six months old. After joining the other orangutans in the Nursery Group, she adjusted quickly and has been very active playing and climbing trees. This is exceptional progress for an orangutan her age. Other babies usually take longer to develop the confidence to climb and move around several metres off the ground, especially those with a history of being kept as pets in cages near the ground.

My girl! Onyer (left) holds Aiko firmly in his arm.

However, Aiko’s courage comes with the desire to remain close to her surrogate mother. Even when Aiko is busy climbing, if she sees her surrogate mother stand up, she will immediately cry as though fearing she will be left behind. Aiko loves milk and will often whine and beg for extra from her surrogate mother.

Ramangai is around nine months old and is in the same age group as Aiko. He has been in good health, but unlike Aiko, he finds it more comfortable to play on the ground where a surrogate mother can accompany him rather than up in the trees. He is still reluctant to join activities away from his surrogate mother but has started learning to climb on branches not too high off the ground.

Ramangai prefers to play on the ground.

Onyer is the oldest of the three at approximately one year. The changes we have seen recently in Onyer are significant compared to when he first arrived at the centre. He has become a playful character who likes to wrestle and pull pranks on other orangutans. Onyer has learned to climb and is good at socialising with others. He plays with all of the orangutans in the Nursery Group.

What a success for the trio! We can’t wait to see them join Forest School.

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