Recognising our Orangutan Champions

Recognising our Orangutan Champions

BOS Australia wishes to thank all their supporters who through their actions are helping in our fight to save the orangutans.

A special thanks to the following people and organisations:

Our most recent Orangutan Champions can be found here

  • Trinity Rond and Kaitlin Williams are both 9 years old. They decided to set up a lemonade stand during the school holidays to raise money for the orangutans but the lemons were still green! So Kaitlin’s mum bought some lemonade and Solo to make sure the girls could go ahead. 

    The 3 hour stand raised $60 from passers-by stopping for a lemonade or simply donating to the cause. Thanks Trinity and Kaitlin! 

  • On Wednesday 21 March 2012, during Harmony Day celebrations, students and staff from North Kalgoorlie Primary School, WA, raised $483.90 for helping BOS Australia in its care of orangutans. They used the money raised to adopt four baby orangutans. 

  • Classes from Torquay State School in Hervey Bay had a Movie/Information night in June 2011. It was a huge success with nearly 100 people turning up and they raised just under $600! The money will be used to adopt some orang-utans and buy some rain forest in Borneo. Teacher Matt Henseleit said “In addition to raising money, I think more importantly, is we have raised awareness as to what is really happening in Borneo and Sumatra.”

  • Vincentia High School has again come to the aid of the orangutans raising $300 to continue their support of Kesi. An Orangutan Day was held on 10th November to coincide with International Orangutan Awareness week. This year Year 7 Indonesian students wore orange mufti to school for the first time and were joined by many of the staff and previous Year 7 students who remain passionate about the plight of the orangutans. Winners of the ‘best-dressed in orange’ parade received a BOS badge, magnet, bookmark and banana.  Teacher Kerri Edwards conducted a whole school assembly with a video presentation that was very well received. A ‘Ranga Raffle’ proved popular with Lachlan John and Nicole Borgas the lucky winners of a soft orangutan toy and book. Thanks for your ongoing support Vincentia High School!               
  • Bianca Nichols (pictured right) describes herself as “an absolute animal lover”. Having learnt of the threats the orangutans face, she decided something had to be done and organised an orange coloured dress day at her school, Mater Christi. The 15-year-old encouraged teachers and students to wear orange for a gold coin donation. 

    “Over all I think the day was a huge success. To add to the fun of the day, there was also an orange themed food and drink stall with ONLY palm oil free products. There were Sunkist cans, orange jelly, orange juice, carrot cake, iced orange cakes and muffins, sponge cakes, caramel cakes and orange lollies. Lots of people participated and donated and in total we raised $1268. I encourage others to start making a difference too. If other students arranged a fundraising event at their school, sporting clubs etc they can help make a difference for the Orangutans just like I did. I love Orangutans and hope that people can help support and save the species,” Bianca said.


  • Birdwood High School in South Australia has its own “Save the Orangutans” student interest group, led by Lynton Vonow, which meets at lunchtime every few weeks. This year has been particularly active for the group with the screening of various orangutan documentaries, participation in a palm oil campaign and petition signing.
    On the fundraising front, the annual cake stall was again a very successful event raising a record $370 through the sale of spiders, cakes, muffins, slices and biscuits - all palm oil free.

    Lynton has also been integral in encouraging primary school students to become involved in writing letters to companies about their use of palm oil and in avoiding palm oil in the products they buy.

  • R.A.N.G.A. (the Red and Nearly Ginger Association) held its Summer Ginge event in St Kilda at the end of February. Aaron Webb and Joel Cohen (founders of the group) organised a charity auction sourcing items from local businesses and friends as well as calling on Melbourne Zoo’s orangutan, Maimunah, to lend a hand with one of her artworks.  Maureen Klees (long time BOSA supporter) helped out yet again by donating a number of her paintings of baby orangutan faces.
    Aaron demonstrated his skills as an auctioneer managing to auction a used red brick for $100 and raising a total of just under $2,300. With our long orangutan toys proving a popular fashion accessory on the night, the grand total raised for BOSA from the evening was close to $2,500.
    Keep an eye out on the for their next event! 

  • Mr Evan Polymeneas (Studies of Societies Teacher) from Salisbury High School(Adelaide), taught his year nine students about the plight facing orangutans in Borneo due to oil palm plantation expansion. The students wanted to do some fundraising and organised a number of events including: a soccer tournament, uniform free day, a car wash and cookie and spyder stands. They raised an impressive $527.00.


  • Ms Angela Woodman and her students from Cheltenham Secondary College (Victoria) raised enough money to adopt all three of our orangutans. “My geography class 7A took this on as an action project to follow on from our study of orangutans in Indonesia.” said Ms Woodman. “They organised a casual clothes day for all year 7 to participate in. This raised the bulk of the money and the remainder was donated by the school SRC.”

At the year 8 and 9 assembly this month, three student representatives (Laura Cummack, Zoe Barrile and Kelly Craw) were presented with the adoption certificates. “I read one of the letters from Malcolm Carson (BOSA President) out to the assembled students as background on the orangutan issue” said Ms Woodman.


  • Ms Vera Turnbull (Visual Arts/Indonesian teacher) and her students from Geelong East Primary School (Victoria) have become tri adopters by adopting Nody, Ruthie and Dodo. In addition, they also donated close to $170 to BOSA. “As part of our Indonesian cultural program the children learn about the plight of endangered animals such as orangutans. After starting the Environment Club in 2006 the group decided that we would continue sponsoring orangutans annually. The children at GEPS absolutely love animals and really have a strong connection to both orangutans and Sumatran tigers.” said Ms Turnbull.

“It is challenging for the students to come up with new fundraising ideas each year but the community has been very supportive.” Ms Turnbull said that one of their most successful fundraisers was simply collecting 5 cent coins. Local Geelong artist and school nurse Ms Sally Ford is also involved. Ms Ford kindly drew and donated beautiful charcoal pictures of orangutans, tigers and other endangered species. These were given to the students as prizes last year.

“We have already started planning our fundraising ideas for 2010. We have a beautiful large painting of a green and golden bell frog that we will sell raffle tickets for and will have to brain storm for more exciting ideas” said Miss Turnbull. Ms Turnbull is a long standing “Orangutan Champion” and sponsored orangutans at her previous two schools.


  • Ms Janelle Tuero, a life member of BOS and active fundraiser, held an orangutan awareness day in Picton (NSW) and raised $800 for Nyaru Menteng. She also made a similar contribution to the Centre for Orangutan Protection. Janelle then raised a further $250 from work colleagues and friends in December for the square metre project. In addition to this, Janelle collected numerous toys and other items for a container which was being sent to Nyaru Menteng. Janelle and three friends will be attending the “Beach to Bay” walk in March. Nell and friend Laurie will be taking turns at wearing an orangutan suit, so be sure to keep an eye out for them.

Over the years, Aussie Dog enrichment items have repeatedly proved their worth in not only keeping the orangutans challenged but also in surviving some pretty rough treatment.

Aussie Dog has always come to the assistance of BOS Australia with the offer of donated items as well as significant discounts. Our thanks to Joe and his team.

The Judith Eardley Save Wildlife Association generously sponsored an important stage in our Welding for Welfare program. With its donation, we were able to send an electrician to Nyaru Menteng and to bring two enrichment technicians and a veterinarian to Zoos Victoria as part of a broader skills transfer program in 2008.

It is also providing ongoing support through its Wildlife Pledge site where supporters are able to make ongoing donations to BOS.

Joan Pearson has been a wonderful friend to the orangutans and bears over many years. Her hospitality is renowned and she has opened up her Sydney home to numerous events, raising significant funds for BOS.

Thank you so much for all you do Joan!

A special thanks to Sandie Morris of Bearpatch Crafts who spends considerable time and effort handmaking fabric shoulder bags for BOS to sell at events and stalls.

Each bag is unique and depicts the BOS orphans, making them very popular with orangutan supporters.

How Can You Help

There are lots of ways you can support orangutans and help ensure the survival of this precious ape.

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Make a Donation

Please help the Orangutans in their struggle for survival. Your donation is important and goes directly to BOS Indonesia. By donating, you are helping bring this noble yet endangered species back from the brink of extinction and on a path to freedom - from rescue to rehabilitation and release.

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The perfect gift for any occasion! Choose from our selection of instant gifts that directly support our orangutans. You can buy a wheelbarrow, provide food for an orangutan for two months or lots more. You will receive a certificate, personalised with the name of your choice - perfect gift for you or a friend.

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