
Fundraising Ideas

Orang-U-Friends fundraising ideas It doesn’t have to be expensive to be an Orang-U-Friendbut it must be lots of fun!! Here are some ideas to help raise funds for orangutans by being an Orang-U-Friend for as little... View Article

Quarantine enclosures: Last stop on the road to release

The building of the quarantine enclosures to facilitate the release of orangutans from Nyaru Menteng is a crucial requirement in the orangutan release program, as once the final selection is made of the first 24 individuals to be released, it will be necessary to immediately isolate them from the other orangutans in the program.

With negotiations underway on the land agreement, construction of the enclosures will mark a final and vital preparation stage and determine the timetable for release. BOS Australia has committed to funding a block of ten enclosures at a cost of $150,000.

Please help us return the orangutans to the forest and support this project. To donate click here.

The fine print on forest protection

19 November 2010
As scientists who study tropical forest ecosystems, we would like to commend the Indonesian government for its commitment to tackling deforestation and Norway for the support it is providing to help Indonesia achieve this.

BOS Secretary

Currently, BOSA seeks a highly motivated, organised, and energetic individual to perform the role of Secretary on its management Committee.

Voluntary position - approx. 5hrs per week.

0 TO 65 IN 65 DAYS


0 TO 65 IN 65 DAYS!!

What does that mean? 

Find out – it’s a REALLY important step for the orangutans and the biggest challenge we’ve taken on so far.

Donate now




This week the funds raised in our 0 to 65 promotion crossed the goal line of $65,000 ($65,185 to be precise)!    


Thank you so much again to everyone who has made this possible.  It has been a real team effort and shows what great supporters the orangutans have at BOS Australia! 

BOS Fundraising Team, August 2010

The Burning Season DVD

This award winning documentary is now available on DVD.

Every year, deliberately lit fires rage across Indonesia.  They destroy pristine rainforest, endanger orang-utans and contribute to climate change.  A young carbon trading entrepreneur goes in search of a solution.

Recognising our Orangutan Champions

Recognising our Orangutan Champions BOS Australia wishes to thank all their supporters who through their actions are helping in our fight to save the orangutans. A special thanks to the following people and organisations: Our most... View Article

Images of Nyaru Menteng

Annie Marie Musselman began her conservation project last year when she learned of deforestation by palm oil plantations in Borneo.

She determined to document the world of sanctuaries and animal refugee camps for those animals on the verge of extinction.

Annie Marie visited the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Sanctuary and returned with some beautiful if haunting images.

Orangutan Diary – DVD available now

Get to meet some of the Nyaru Menteng orphans in this rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This superb DVD contains the first series of the hit BBC television documentary and is available from our shop now.


URGENT – send a message to Woolworths!

Woolworths has reduced the use of palm oil in its Select range food products and has committed to working through the Homebrand range. However it admits to challenges in removing palm oil including performance attributes of alternatives, nutritional issues and increased costs.

It is now about to review its policy. Make sure Woolworths knows your opinion.

Australian Enrichment Team Trips

Volunteering in Borneo Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Australia has teamed up with ENRICH, an Australian volunteer program that focuses on animal welfare and enrichment. You now have the amazing opportunity to volunteer with orangutans and sun... View Article

Samboja Lodge

Samboja Lodge Samboja Lodge is an eco-lodge located within Samboja Lestari and managed by BOS Foundation. Guests are able to stay at the Lodge and simply enjoy the forest or become involved as volunteers in conservation... View Article

Rainforest Purchase

Purchase of rainforest You can assist in the development of Samboja Lestari by making a symbolic purchase of rainforest. The cost to purchase 1 square metre is AU$10.00. From this sum of money the following costs... View Article

Rehabilitation process

The Rehabilitation Process The method of reintroduction at Nyaru Menteng tries to imitate, as closely as possible, the life the orangutans would have had, were they still with their mothers in the forest. Quarantine All new... View Article


Rescue The team at Nyaru Menteng also operates a rescue service and has rescued over 300 wild orangutans. With the orangutan’s habitat being destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations, orangutans have insufficient food and have no... View Article

Loss of habitat

Loss of habitat The most important risk factor for orangutans is the loss of habitat. Suitable orangutan habitat in Indonesia and Malaysia has declined by more than 80% in the last 20 years. It is estimated... View Article

Illegal Pet Trade

Illegal pet trade Wild orangutan numbers are also affected by the illegal pet trade – particularly the socially inclined baby. Estimates suggest that more than 1000 orangutans are smuggled into Java and overseas each year. Indeed, a recent... View Article


Poaching Easier access and encroachment of people into the orangutan forests also leads to increased hunting of orangutans for meat, babies, skulls or, more recently for orangutan penises. As well as being consumed as bushmeat, body parts find... View Article

Timber products

Timber products Some 70% of all timber exported from Indonesia is illegally logged. In Australia, it is estimated that 9% of wood imports or $400 million is from illegal sources. (Jaakko Poyry Consulting 2005: Overview of... View Article


Biology An orangutan’s lifespan is about 35-40 years in the wild, and sometimes into the 50’s in captivity. Orangutan females only give birth about once every eight years – the longest time between births of any... View Article


Behaviour The orangutan is the only strictly arboreal ape and the largest tree-living mammal in the world. Although other apes do climb and build sleeping nests in the trees, they are primarily terrestrial (spending their lives... View Article


Diet The orangutan diet is made up of bark, leaves, flowers, a variety of insects, and most importantly, over 300 kinds of fruit.Termites and ants are part of their diet to obtain protein and for minerals... View Article