

Today, we would like to introduce you to another orangutan warrior from the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Central Kalimantan. Meet Mas Surip, the welding coordinator. What is your responsibility at Nyaru Menteng? I keep... View Article


Taking care of over 400 orangutans in two centres includes regular fitness checks by our dedicated veterinarian team. Routine exams help us monitor the general health of the orangutan population at our rehabilitation centres and, if... View Article

Meet Mawas

The Mawas Conservation Program is one of our working areas in Central Kalimantan. Unlike the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, it does not address orangutan rehabilitation but concentrates on preserving the population of wild orangutans living... View Article

Keeping rituals alive

In addition to protecting and preserving Bornean orangutans and their habitat, BOS works closely with local communities to help maintain their cultures and traditions. One example of a traditional ceremony we participate in is the naq lom. It... View Article

Feasting in the forest

In the forest, our Post-Release Monitoring (PRM) team members rely on supplies purchased monthly in Muara Wahau, the nearest town to Camp Nles Mamse, about 70 kilometres away. There, logistical and bulk food supplies, including vegetables... View Article

The power of the hornbill

The hornbill is a perfect example of how tight nature and culture are interwoven. The unique bird with its brightly coloured and distinctively shaped bill not only helps to maintain the quality of forest ecosystems; it... View Article

Survey on bikes

When we release orangutans to the Bornean rainforest or a pre-release island, we need to make sure they find enough natural food. Therefore, we not only monitor them and make sure they are healthy and adapting... View Article

Stuck in the jungle

Have you ever wondered how our Post-Release Monitoring (PRM) Team in East Kalimantan transports all their equipment through the Bornean rainforest? To say the least, it’s challenging. It’s a long journey to reach our two camps... View Article